功能键说明:XButton1侧下 XButton2侧上 滚轮
#IfWinActive ahk_class LaunchUnrealUWindowsClient v_Enable=0 XButton1:: v_Enable:=!v_Enable If (v_Enable=0) { SetTimer, Label0, Off } Else { SetTimer, Label0, 1 } Return Label0: if ( GetColor(750,779)=="0x455E6F" ) ;80投掷花粉显示 { sendinput,3 } if ( GetColor(672,779)=="0xA28862" ) ;80常春藤 { sendinput,1 } if ( GetColor(711,787)=="0xB5EE9C" ) ;80荆棘藤 { sendinput,2 } if ( GetColor(877,620)=="0xF09E63" ) ;80板栗 { sendinput,f } if ( GetColor(880,619)=="0xA4D117" ) ;80牵牛显示 { sendinput,f } sendinput,rt return GetColor(x,y) { PixelGetColor, color, x, y, RGB StringRight color,color,10 ; return color } EmptyMem(PID="Client and AHK Rocks"){ pid:=(pid="Client and AHK Rocks") ? DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") : pid h:=DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x001F0FFF, "Int", 0, "Int", pid) DllCall("SetProcessWorkingSetSize", "UInt", h, "Int", -1, "Int", -1) DllCall("CloseHandle", "Int", h) } Return MButton:: While(Getkeystate("MButton","P")) { sendinput ss } Return ~f:: Loop { GetKeyState,State,f,P If (State="U") ; { Break } if ( GetColor(871,621)=="0xF4B30D" ) ;取色与NPC很近时出现的,与某某对话 { send,f } if ( GetColor(403,784)=="0x93E0F1" ) ;取色打开与NPC对话后出现的蓝色每日图标 { send,f } if ( GetColor(1238,772)=="0xD3D1D7" ) ;取色到最后出现的Y/F接受 N/拒绝 { send,f } } Return XButton2:: Loop,1 { sendinput 4 sleep 300 sendinput f } Return
注意事项: 召唤取色没有什么可以注意的 只要不出图标就行!
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